Hklm Software Microsoft Security Center Svc Vol
HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Security Center Svc. The serial number of your PC's hard disk volume; The version and build of your operating. Microsoft Essentials Trojan. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Security Center Svc Vol]. HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion. It creates a desktop shortcut with the file name System Care Antivirus.lnk. HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Security Center svc Sets value.
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TweakHound - Tweaking Windows Vista, page 5 Security Center & Other Security Related Tweaks I realize what I'm about to say will seem condescending to some folks but it needs to be said, sorry. For Geeks many of the security features in Vista range from to unneeded.
For many people all these features really do help them secure their computer. Most computer users fall somewhere in the middle. The decision on what features to keep or not is yours, as is the responsibility. The price you may pay for a wrong decision is an unusable computer or loss of personal or financial information. Consider yourself warned.
Recommendation: IMHO, the average user should not disable: Security Center Windows Defender (if you do not have another anti-spyware tool) User Account Control System Restore (if you do not have another backup method) Automatic Updates (configure it instead) If you are not familiar with the security features in Vista PLEASE read this before changing anything security related: Stop Security Notifications You must to this BEFORE you disable the Security Center. About. In the Notification Area (bottom-right where the time is), right-click on the Security Shield and choose Open Security Center.
Hklm Software Microsoft Windows Current
In the left pane of the resulting window choose Change the way Security Center alerts me, choose Don't notify me and don't display the icon,.poof. the shield is gone!